Pure Taste of Nature’s Sweetness Afghani Apricots

Afghani Apricot

Shop Premium Afghani apricots From Dry Fruits Mart that are deeply flavored. These savory apricots are dried under the sun, precisely. Additionally, we don’t use any enhancers; preserving their natural sweetness and nutritional value is our first priority.


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The jolly taste of DRY FRUIT MART Afghani apricots is profoundly impressive. Our apricots provide you enjoyable experience of healthy lifestyle. Afghani apricots are rich cause of dietary fibers, vitamin C and vitamin A. They are exclusively excellent source of Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium and B-complex vitamins. Our apricots are a delicious and healthy treat, try them today and experience the cheerful aroma of Afghani apricots.

Afghani Apricot Price in Pakistan

Looking for exceptional Afghani apricots at competitive prices? DryFruitsMart.Pk offers Pakistan’s finest selection of these sought-after mountain-grown treasures, renowned for their distinctive flavor intensity and nutritional richness. Here’s a quick overview of our Afghani Apricot Price in Pakistan:

  • 250g Afghani Apricot: ₨ 700
  • 500g Afghani Apricot: ₨ 1300
  • 1kg Afghani Apricot: ₨ 2600

These rates represent outstanding value for authentic Afghan-origin dried apricots in today’s Pakistani marketplace. Our carefully sourced Afghani apricots feature the characteristic deep amber coloration, concentrated sweetness, and perfect chewiness that distinguishes high-altitude cultivars.

Benefits of Using Afghani Apricots:

DRY FRUIT MART introduces a dried apricot that provides you essential nutrients with health benefits. Let’s have a look:

  • Dietary fibers maintain heart health and boost the digestive system.
  • Vitamin A, preventing night blindness.
  • Potassium significantly reduces blood pressure and resulted in 24% lower risk of stroke.

High antioxidants protect the body against illness and diabetes

 Uses of Afghani Apricots:

Our Afghani apricots are not only used as a dry fruit to use on their own. We can use them also in our food to make our food healthier, and zesty.

  • Add them in baking food items to enhance taste and texture.
  • Add Afghani apricots in salads to increase sweetness.
  • Afghani apricots can be used in smoothies and yogurt.

Nutritional Facts per 100 Gram:

  • 100 gr241 calories
  • 4 g of protein
  • 5 g of fat
  • 63 g of carbohydrates
  • 3 g of fiber
  • 1160 mg of potassium
  • 55 mg of calcium
  • 32 mg of magnesium
  • 180 mg of vitamin A
  • 1 mg of vitamin C

Afghani apricot prices influenced by the packaging. If we analysing the prices of Afghani apricots in Pakistan it lies between 400 PKR and 2000 PKR. Visit our website Dry Fruits Mart for the latest price updates and offers.


You are able to added them in different dishes like salads, yogurt and smoothies. You can be eaten them as snacks.
Definitely yes! Our dried apricot sticks are sulfite-free, making those sticks a great option for those who are sulfite sensitive.
Afghani Apricots are loaded with vitamin A, C; which are known to help hydrate your skin cells and remove blackheads.
Apricots contain 3.2G of sugar, 3.8G of carbs, and 0.7G of fiber per small apricot. You can appreciate this low-sugar fruit anytime.
Apricots contain small amount of melatonin hormones, which are responsible to maintain you sleep schedule

Additional Information


1Kg, 500g

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